Sixty four randomly selected So plants (used as males)
were each mated to four different plants (used as females)
to generate 256 full sib families as per NC Design-I and
simultaneously selfed to produce 64 S, families for the
estimation of genetic components of variance and related
parameters. Both full-sib and S, families were evaluated
in incomplete block design and randomized block design,
respectively in two random environments. Observations
were recorded on grain yield per plant, test weight, kernel
rows per ear, kernels per row, ear length, ear diameter,
plant height, ear height and days to silk.
Keywords: Maize composite, genetic variances, G x E interaction, heritability, expected genetic gain
Year: 2001
Volume: 61
Issue: 2
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
Gul Zaffar, G. H. Zargar and Wani A. Shafiq info_circle