Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Evaluation of genetic diversity in mango germplasm resources using RAPD markers and characterization of cultivar Guti based on 18SrRNA gene sequence

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The genetic diversity and relationship in mango genotypes (Mangifera indica L.) of Malda district was investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. One local cultivar Guti was characterized based on the sequence information of 18S rRNA gene. A total of 15 primers were screened, which produced 173 alleles, out of which 160 were polymorphic. The range of polymorphism was 83 to 100 per cent depending upon the primer. The UPGMA dendrogram based on Jaccard's similarity coefficient grouped the 15 mango genotypes into three main clusters. Four genotypes namely Laxmanbhog, Baromasia, Fazli and Kohitur were formed one cluster, second cluster comprised of four genotypes namely Michrikand, Golapkhash, Himsagar, Sinduri and third cluster included Mulayomjam, Gopalbhog, Langra, Aswina, Kachamitha and Malagyobhog. Two genotypes Sinduri and Himsagar were grouped together at highest similarity index 0.94.The principle coordinate (PCO) analysis showed that there was sufficient genetic variability among the mango genotypes studied. The cultivar Guti was identified on the basis of 18S rRNA gene sequence of 1714 base pairs and has been deposited in GenBank database of NCB! under the accession number GU647220.1.

Keywords: Mangifera indica, genetic resources, RAPD, genetic diversity, 18S rRNA


Year: 2011
Volume: 71
Issue: 3
Article DOI: N/A
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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