Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Genetics of stem rust resistance in four popular durum wheat cultivars

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A study was conducted to understand the mode of
inheritance and extent of diversity of stem rust resistance
in four popular durum wheat cultivars of central India
HI 8498 (Malav Shakti), HI 8663 (Poshan), HI 8713 (Pusa
Mangal) and HI 8737 (Pusa Anmol) using
Puccinia graminis
(Pgt) pathotypes 15-1 (123G15) and 40-3 (127G29).
These cultivars were crossed with susceptible parents
Motia and Malvi Local and were also crossed among
themselves in half diallel fashion. The F
2and F3 segregation
data revealed that a single dominant gene each controlled
resistance to the pathotype 40-3 in HI 8713 and HI 8663,
while two dominant genes each governed resistance to
this pathotype in HI 8737 and HI 8498. A single dominant
gene each conditioned resistance to the pathotype 15-1 in
all the four cultivars. The F
2 segregation data of the
intercrosses among the resistant parents showed that three
different resistance genes controlled resistance among four
cultivars against each
Pgt pathotype 40-3 and 15-1. These
genes seem to be different from the most commonly
postulated stem rust resistance genes in Indian durum
wheat germplasm
viz., Sr11, Sr12, Sr7b and Sr9e which are
ineffective/less effective against the test pathotypes. Hence,
the genes identified in the present study can be utilized in
broadening the genetic base of stem rust resistance in
Indian durum wheat.

Keywords: Durum wheat, pathotype, resistance and stem rust


Year: 2020
Volume: 80
Issue: 2
Article DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.80.2.1
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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