Colchicine-induced chromosome doubling in Pennisetum interspecific hybrids and its effect on plant morphology

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Arshpreet Kaur
Rahul Kapoor
Yogesh Vikal
Anu Kalia


We report the production of hexaploid plants of interspecific hybrids of Pennisetum, with the ultimate aim to improve the biomass yield, drought tolerance and multicut behaviour of this genus. Chromosome doubling was achieved with the application of colchicine at three different concentrations (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2%) for two time durations (12 and 24 hours). The root slips and stem cuttings of interspecific hybrids were used for treatment and the root slips were found to be more efficient. The preliminary screening to select the putative hexaploid plant was done based on stomatal frequency and morphology. Plants containing significantly lower stomatal frequency and larger stomata size were selected for further analysis by chromosome counting. This experiment confirmed that 0.1% concentration of colchicine treatment to root slips for 24 hours was more effective to induce the amphiploids in Pennisetum.

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How to Cite
Kaur, A., Kapoor, R., Vikal, Y., & Kalia, A. (2020). Colchicine-induced chromosome doubling in Pennisetum interspecific hybrids and its effect on plant morphology. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 80(01), 58–63. Retrieved from
Research Article