Genetical and bio-chemical analysis of glaucousness in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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The present investigation was carried out to study the inheritance of waxiness (glaucousness) in selected wheat genotype. Glaucousness is the visual expression of waxiness on stem and leaves. Sufficient diversity exists for this trait. Waxiness in Pusa T3336 was determined through genetic analysis as well as Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC). The F1 hybrids viz., Pusa T3336 x DL629 (non-waxy) and Pusa T3336 x DL605 (non-waxy) appeared non-waxy or non-glaucous indicating dominance of non-waxiness over waxiness. The visual expression data of individual plants in F2 population derived from both the crosses segregated in 1 waxy : 3 non-waxy ratio. The genetic analysis carried out on field data revealed that waxiness in Pusa T3336 is recessive and controlled monogenically. The GLC was carried out for Pusa T3336 x DL629 only to differentiate waxy and non-waxy plants. The F1 showed the presence of only C-homologue C32, which was not scorable visually. The F2 individuals showed quantitative differences in C-compounds which corresponds to the visual scores of individuals in F2 population under field conditions. The trend indicated similar mode of distribution of wax and the individuals followed 1 waxy: 3 non-waxy segregation patterns. The GLC data also indicated that the production of wax on stem and leaves of Pusa T3336 is controlled by a single recessive gene. The GLC analysis revealed the presence of eight carbon compounds (C-homologues) in waxy parent Pusa T3336 and the same were absent in non-waxy parent DL629. However F1 hybrid (Pusa T3336 x DL629) showed the presence of C-homologue C32.
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How to Cite
Durgesh, K., Jha, S. K., Tomar, S. M. S., Vinod, Singh, B., & Dureja, P. (2009). Genetical and bio-chemical analysis of glaucousness in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 69(02), 93–98.
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