Heterosis in taramira [Eruca sativa (Mill.)] for seed yield and oil content
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Taramira [Eruca sativa (MilL)] is an oilseed crop that can be successfully cultivated on poor sandy soils of north-western India with conserved moisture. During the year of severe drought, when no other crop could be successfully grown, taramira is the only alternative [1]. Taramira is a highly cross pollinated crop and has sporophytic type of self-incompatibility [2]. Most of the oilseed crops suffer from low seed yield potential as compared to cereals and taramira is no exception. Thus heterosis breeding may be a potential alternative for achieving quantum jump in production and productivity of this crop.
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How to Cite
Kumhar, J. P., Sharma, K. C., & Sastry, E. V. D. (2007). Heterosis in taramira [Eruca sativa (Mill.)] for seed yield and oil content. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(01), 89–90. https://doi.org/.
Research Article
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