Evaluation of Egyptian clover germplasm using multivariate analyses

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R. A. Singh
R. Yadav
S. K. Pahuja


Principal factor and cluster analyses were carried out with 15 fodder and seed traits in 100 accessions of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.). Principal factor analysis identified four Principal Components which explained about 69% variability. Varimax rotation enabled loading of similar type of variables on a common Principal Component permitting to designate them as fodder yield and seed yield factors. Genotypes GP 3, 19, 27, 28 and 29 were found to be better performers on the basis of principal factor scores with regard to fodder yield and seed traits when both the principal factors were considered together. These genotypes may further be utilized in breeding programmes for improving fodder and seed yield. Hierarchical cluster analysis resulted into ten clusters containing one to sixty two genotypes. The best clusters with regard to fodder and seed characters were C II, VII and IX. The results of cluster and principal factor analyses were in agreement.

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How to Cite
Singh, R. A., Yadav, R., & Pahuja, S. K. (2007). Evaluation of Egyptian clover germplasm using multivariate analyses. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(02), 135–139. https://doi.org/.
Research Article