Effect of different hormones and methods of hormone application on haploid embryo formation in wheat x maize crosses

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Navneeta Kaushik
Mukta Sirohi
V. K. Khanna


Research and utilization of poly-haploids in wheat has been limited because of the low frequency of haploid formation. In haploid production through wheat x maize crossing, application of hormones is crucial to produce embryos. Effect of different hormones and application methods were studied in wheat x maize crosses. The wheat genotypes and methods of hormonal treatments viz. spray and tiller injection exhibited highly significant differences for embryo formation. Different hormonal treatments viz. 100 ppm 2, 4-0, 100 ppm GA3 and 100 ppm AgN03 differ significantly for per cent seed set and embryo formation.

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How to Cite
Kaushik, N., Sirohi, M., & Khanna, V. K. (2005). Effect of different hormones and methods of hormone application on haploid embryo formation in wheat x maize crosses. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(01), 9–11. https://doi.org/.
Research Article