Heterosis and per day productivity in rice hybrids of different maturity groups, developed from indicaljaponica derived lines
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It is important to know the duration of maturity along with duration wise yield potential of newly identified rice hybrids or varieties for acceptance by farmers for fitting into target regions or commonly followed crop rotation. Generally it is believed that short duration varieties are low yielding and only long duration verities give high yield in view of various reports showing strong correlation between crop duration and yield [1-5]. At the same time a good number of early maturity varieties and hybrids with fairly high yield are available with the farmers for cultivation viz. Govind, Pusa 834 and Pusa Rice Hybrid-10. Keeping this in view newly identified seventeen hybrids developed from indica and indica/japonica derived lines were grouped in four maturity groups along with their checks and analyzed group wise for per day productivity and level of standard heterosis over DRRH-1.
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How to Cite
Hossain, M. S., Zaman, F. U., & Singh, A. K. (2005). Heterosis and per day productivity in rice hybrids of different maturity groups, developed from indicaljaponica derived lines. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(01), 41–42. https://doi.org/.
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