Grain γ-oryzanol and its constituent compounds show high genetic variability, diversity and significant site x genotype interactions in rice

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Swarnadip Ghosh
Haritha Bollinedi
S. Gopala Krishnan
Sourav Kumar
Prolay K. Bhowmick
Nagarajan . M
K. K. Vinod
Ranjith K. Ellur
Ashok K. Singh


Among the dietary antioxidants that counteract oxidative stress to avert the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), g-oryzanol, a unique antioxidant in rice shows potential health benefits. Although rice germplasm exhibits significant variation for g-oryzanol content, much less is studied on the influence of environment (E) and genotype-environment interaction (GEI) on the g-oryzanol content in rice bran. Evaluated under three sites, in a combined analysis of variance, a set of 18 genotypes showed significant effect of environment, genotype, and GEI on the g-oryzanol and its constituent compounds. A large proportion of total phenotypic variance was found due to genotype, indicating high heritability of the trait. GEI is the second major contributor to the phenotypic variance of g-oryzanol and its components, while the contribution of environment was found to be the least. CSR 23 was the superior genotype for g-oryzanol content and stability based on AMMI, GGE biplot and WAASB stability models analyzed. Besides CSR 23, genotypes such as DHMAS-70G-164-29, Chittimutyalu and HUR-200-57-1 were identified as stable and high g-oryzanol producing lines. These superior, stable lines can be used as potential donors for improving g-oryzanol content in rice. The present study assumes importance as the first report of GEI for total g-oryzanol and its five components.

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How to Cite
Ghosh, S. ., Bollinedi, H. ., Krishnan, S. G. ., Kumar, S. ., Bhowmick, P. K. ., M, N. ., Vinod, K. K. ., Ellur, R. K. ., & Singh, A. K. . (2023). Grain γ-oryzanol and its constituent compounds show high genetic variability, diversity and significant site x genotype interactions in rice. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 83(02), 157–167.
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