Detection of genotype specific fingerprints and assessment of genetic diversity in elite genetic stocks of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using RAPD primers and agronomic traits
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Genotype specific DNA fingerprints and morphological traits for genetic stocks of crop plants are pre-requisite for germplasm registration with the competent authority and for granting Plant Breeders’ Rights. Eight morphological and three biochemical markers, and 18 RAPD primers were employed to estimate genetic diversity and to characterize 30 genetic stocks of tomato possessing special attributes. The analysis based on field observations, biochemical constituents and RAPD primers revealed wide genetic diversity in the germplasm evaluated. The RAPD primers generated 192 bands of which, 151 (78.6%) were polymorphic. The polymorphic information content (PIC) values for the 18 primers ranged from 0.76 in OPB-154 to 0.97 in S-1113. The similarity coefficient analysis revealed two clusters; the first cluster comprised of only four genotypes and the second major cluster comprised of 26 genotypes which could further be classified in six sub-clusters. The RAPD analysis proved helpful for estimating the magnitude of genetic diversity, establishing genetic relatedness among genetic stocks and for developing unique fingerprints of 21 out of 30 genetic stocks evaluated.
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How to Cite
Dhaliwal, M. S., Singh, S., & Singh, K. (2009). Detection of genotype specific fingerprints and assessment of genetic diversity in elite genetic stocks of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using RAPD primers and agronomic traits. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 69(01), 44–49.
Research Article

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