Pod borer susceptibility reaction in interspesific hybrids of pigeonpea
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Seventy-two inter-specific plant progenies, derived by crossing wild species viz., Cajanus cajanifolius, C. acutifolius and C. scarabaeoides and cultivated lines viz., UPAS 120, Pant A 134 and ICPL 84023, were screened in the field to isolate sources of resistance to pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera). Pest Susceptibility Rating (PSR) and reaction were worked out for pod and seed damage in all F3 progenies under study. On the basis of pest susceptibility reaction, all 24 F3 populations derived by utilizing wild species, C. scarabaeoides were found highly resistant (HR) for pod and seed damage due to pod borer in protected as well as unprotected condition as compared to cultivated parents. Though moderately susceptibile reaction (MS) was recorded in F3 population of UPAS 120 x C. acutifolius. F3 progenies of ICPL 84023 x C. cajanifolius and UPAS 120 x C. cajanifolius were noted highly resistant (HR) for pod as well as seed damage even in unprotected condition. However, two progenies of Pant A134 x C. cajanifolius showed the least susceptible reaction (LS) in unprotected condition. In general, all 72 F3 progenies of nine inter specific hybrids evaluated for their reaction to the infestation of pod borer showed very low level of pod and seed damage as compared to pod and seed damage in cultivated lines of the study.
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How to Cite
Gangwar, L. K., Bajpai, G. C., Kerkhi, S. A., & Sachan, S. K. (2009). Pod borer susceptibility reaction in interspesific hybrids of pigeonpea. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 69(01), 58–61. https://doi.org/.
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