Breeding for free threshability in emmer wheat [Triticum dicoccum (Schrank.) Schubl.] through induced mutagenesis

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P. Kulkarni
S. A. Desai
H. C. Lohithaswa
R. R. Hanchinal


Twelve hundred and sixty one advanced breeding lines derived through mutagenesis of the F1s of 14 Triticum dicoccum x T. dicoccum, two T. dicoccum x T. durum and T. durum x T. durum crosses and six elite lines of T. dicoccum using Gamma rays treatment of seeds at equilibrium seed moisture content of eight per cent were studied for selecting superior genotypes with respect to various agronomic and quality traits. Based on rachis fragility and glume tenacity; 51 free-threshable dicoccum lines were selected comprising 48 from eight T. dicoccum x T. dicoccum crosses viz., NP-200 x MACS 2912 (10), NP- 200 x DDK 1009 (19), DDK 1001 x MACS 2928 (2), DDK 1013 x DDK 1001 (5), 266-10 x 248-4 (1), NP 200 x DDK- 1015 (1), NP-200 x MACS 2336 (4) and DDK 1009 x MACS 2931 (6), one from the elite T. dicoccum line MACS 2931 and one each from the T. durum x T. durum crosses viz., Bijaga Yellow x D 2571 and DWR 2006 x DWR 1005. Out of these 51 stable free threshable mutants, two lines derived from the cross NP-200 x MACS 2912 (line nos. 886 and 915) and one from DDK 1013 x DDK 1001 (line no. 206) were nutritionally superior with early flowering, increased seed weight and amber coloured grains. The line No. 206 recorded higher sedimentation value of 42ml, b-carotene of 3.90 ppm and protein content of 14.36 per cent. Hybridization followed by mutation created enormous variability in the study indicating its effectiveness as a breeding strategy for developing free threshability in emmer wheat.

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How to Cite
Kulkarni, P., Desai, S. A., Lohithaswa, H. C., & Hanchinal, R. R. (2008). Breeding for free threshability in emmer wheat [Triticum dicoccum (Schrank.) Schubl.] through induced mutagenesis. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 68(04), 380–386.
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