Inheritance and linkage analysis of leaf rust resistance, node and leaf pubescence in interspecific derivative of Triticum aestivum L.
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Genetic analysis was carried out in cytologically stable Selection (Sel.) T2836-1 (2n = 6x = 42), an interspecific derivative involving, bread wheat Triticum aestivum, a wheat progenitor T. urartu and T. militinae, a mutant of T. timopheevi to study the mode of inheritance of leaf rust resistance, leaf and node pubescence and glume hardness. Linkage between different traits was also investigated. The study revealed that Sel. T2836-1 carries a single dominant gene for resistance to Indian pathotypes, 77-1, 77-5 and 77-7 of Puccinia triticina. However, test of allelism revealed that the resistance is allelic to the gene Lr24. Further, molecular analysis also confirmed the presence of Lr24 in Sel. T2836-1. Study further indicated that pubescence of leaf was controlled by duplicate dominant genes, whereas node pubescence was governed by a single dominant gene. Monogenic dominant control was also indicated for glume hardness in Sel. T2836-1. The linkage analysis indicated that character node pubescence is linked with one of the duplicate dominant genes controlling leaf pubescence and the distance between these genes is 36.84 Kosambi unit.
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How to Cite
Dhakate, P. M., Vinod, Singh, B., Tiwari, S., & Tomar, S. M. S. (2008). Inheritance and linkage analysis of leaf rust resistance, node and leaf pubescence in interspecific derivative of Triticum aestivum L. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 68(03), 242–247.
Research Article

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