Field performance and RAPD analysis for assessment of genetic variation in sugarcane somaclones

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R. B. Doule
P. G. Kawar
R. M. Devarumath
Y. S. Nerkar


Sugarcane somaclones derived by callus culture of the sugarcane variety CoC 671 were evaluated for their quantitative attributes and assessed for the genetic variation by RAPD analysis. Assessment at 12th month, VSI 2179 gave higher cane yield compared to somaclones and the parent CoC 671. Somaclone variants, VSI 1748 and VSI 2179 gave significantly higher sugar yield over the check CoC 671. VSI 1748, VSI 2003 and VSI 2179 were significantly superior for brix, sucrose and CCS percentage over their parent. RAPD profiling of somaclones, VSI 1733 with 21 primers (13.8%), VSI 1748 and VSI 1855 with four primers (3.0%) and VSI 2003 and VSI 2179 with one primer (0.3%) revealed polymorphism as compared to CoC 671. These promising clones are being evaluated in different agro-climatic zones of Maharashtra.

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How to Cite
Doule, R. B., Kawar, P. G., Devarumath, R. M., & Nerkar, Y. S. (2008). Field performance and RAPD analysis for assessment of genetic variation in sugarcane somaclones. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 68(03), 301–306.
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