Inheritance of flower and stipule characters in different induced mutant lines of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.)
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Induced mutagenesis has been used as a valuable tool to create genetic variability in grass pea [1,2]. In recent years, a number of morphological mutations and their pattern of inheritance have been studied [3-6]. Among different morphological traits, flower colour is considered as an important parameter for classification in grass pea [7, 8]. Perusal of literature, however, cites limited information regarding the mode of inheritance of flower colour in grass pea [9-12]. On the other hand, reports on inheritance of stipule colour and its orientation against stem in grass pea are lacking, although transmission patterns of presence or absence and different modifications in shapes of stipule were reported earlier [13]. The present authors carried out an extensive investigations on mode of inheritance of flower and stipule characters in different induced mutant lines and mother cultivar BioR-231; a brief description of which is presented in this communication.
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How to Cite
Talukdar, D., & Biswas, A. K. (2007). Inheritance of flower and stipule characters in different induced mutant lines of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(04), 396–400.
Research Article

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