Analysis of molecular diversity and differentiation of photoperiod sensitive and insensitive rice varieties

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T. Vanaja
G. J. Randhawa
R. Singh
T. Mohapatra


A study was undertaken to differentiate photoperiod sensitive and photoperiod insensitive rice varieties and to identify putative RAPD marker (s) associated with the trait. The genetic diversity analysis among photoperiod sensitive and photoperiod insensitive rice varieties using different DNA amplicons, grouped 40 varieties into two major clusters and nine sub-clusters. Sixty five per cent of photo sensitive varieties and 60% photo insensitive varieties were grouped in distinct clusters. The result indicated that response to photoperiod had played a major role in the pattern of clustering. The most distant pairs of rice varieties revealed from genetic distance are Bhagya and Ptb 12, Bhagya and Ptb 7, Sagara and Bhagya, and Dhanya and Bhagya. These distant varieties can be utilized in future breeding programmes as parents to get promising recombinants.

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How to Cite
Vanaja, T., Randhawa, G. J., Singh, R., & Mohapatra, T. (2007). Analysis of molecular diversity and differentiation of photoperiod sensitive and insensitive rice varieties. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(02), 128–134.
Research Article

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