DNA marker-based genetic variation in Cassia fistula L.
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The taxonomy and nomenclature of various species and intraspecific taxa have been quite complex and intriguing. They are not easily differentiated from closely related species due to great range of similarities. This usually leads to mis-identification and misinterpretation of the components. Cassia L. is a large and predominantly tropical genus of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae, family Caesalpiniaceae. Taxonomy of Cassia is based primarily on morphology [1], which often makes identification of its species difficult, because many species are separated on the basis of differences in morphological traits. Morphological characters and behaviournal pattern can sometimes evolve independently in unrelated species in response to common environmental changes [2] or by hybridization of related species in favorable conditions.
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How to Cite
Kumar, A., Tripathi, V., & Pushpangadan, P. (2007). DNA marker-based genetic variation in Cassia fistula L. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(02), 173–176. https://doi.org/.
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