Heterosis and combining ability for yield related traits and protein content in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
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Sufficient heterosis has been reported in the F1s of various grain legumes including lentil (Lens eulinaris Medik.) [1]. In self-pollinated crops like lentil, the development of pure lines from segregating population is very important. For the success of any breeding programme, the basic requirement is the selection of appropriate parents. The study of heterosis indicates the percentage increase of the F1 over better parent or the standard parent but it fails to identify the possible causes for the superiority of hybrids. Combining ability analysis provided information on the overall gene action controlling the quantitative characters and helps the breeder in the choice of appropriate parents. The present investigation was undertaken to study the nature and magnitude of heterosis as well as analysis of combining ability in lentil using line x tester mating design.
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How to Cite
Kumar, S., & Srivastava, S. B. L. (2007). Heterosis and combining ability for yield related traits and protein content in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(02), 190–192. https://doi.org/.
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