Potential of amphidecaploid and its derivatives for quantitative traits in advanced generations of interspecific cross of Avena sativa L. x A. maroccana Gdgr.

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Niti Kushwaha
R. N. Choubey
G. P. Shukla


Oats are distinct among cereals due to their relatively high lysine rich protein content [1]. Oats are used as food, feed and fodder throughout the world. The genus incorporates diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species based on basic chromosome number of x = 7. Various species differ in morphological, physiological and growth attributes. The efficient exploitation of wild gene pool to increase the genetic variability of cultivated oat crop (A vena sativa) is conditioned by recognition of genetic relationship between the cultivated and wild plants. Avena sativa L. and the wild species of the genus, A. maroccana Gdgr. are cytogenetically and morphologically closer to each other [2-4]. Some economically important traits as high protein content large grain size and profused tillering makes A. maroccana a potential source of useful traits for oat improvement programme.

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How to Cite
Kushwaha, N., Choubey, R. N., & Shukla, G. P. (2006). Potential of amphidecaploid and its derivatives for quantitative traits in advanced generations of interspecific cross of Avena sativa L. x A. maroccana Gdgr. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 66(01), 43–44. https://doi.org/.
Research Article