Genetic divergence in salicornia (Salicornia brachiata Roxb.)

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R. H. Gohil
J. B. Pandya


Genetic diversity of the parental lines is good indicator of progeny performance. Success through hybridization and subsequent selection depends primarily on the selection of parents having high genetic variability for various agronomic traits [1]. The present study is an attempt made to find out the degree and the nature of genetic divergence among the set of 17 select Salicornia brachiata (Roxb.) [2] genotypes an annual halophytic species and a unique coastal plant for nutrient rich 'Vegetable salt' [3] and 'Plants bioactives' [4], with sole objectives of selecting genetically divergent parental lines for hybridization and for the development of high yielding salicornia varieties for its' cultivation in saline ingressed soils of India. The above genotypes were collected from different locations of coaandtal Gujarat (viz., Diu, Diu-tad, Avania, Ghogha, Jafrabad, Kotda, Methla, Newport Bhavnagar, Tarsara and Victor port). These were grown in randomized block design in three replications during Kharif 2001-02 at CSMCRI's saline experimental site at Hathab (India, 20.35 N, 72.16 E).

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How to Cite
Gohil, R. H., & Pandya, J. B. (2006). Genetic divergence in salicornia (Salicornia brachiata Roxb.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 66(01), 75–76.
Research Article