General Plant Breeding

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The author of the book "General Plant Breeding" under review states that there are exquisite, knowledgeable books on plant breeding and several books are published on vegetable breeding also. However, there are not many standard books which deal with both agricultural and horticultural crops. Therefore, the present book is an endeavour by the author Dr. Arvind Rangrao Dabholkar, a Professor of Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding and an experienced Sorghum breeder for over 20 years at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya, to write a book on plant breeding which attempts to bridge this undesirable gap and also refers to vegetable breeding in addition to cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and fibre crops while discussing various breeding concepts and applications. Thus the treatment of the subject by the author in this book retains the basic approach and attempts to explain the various concepts and phenomenon in a simple, clear and easy to-follow discussion.

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How to Cite
KHARKWAL, M. C. (2006). General Plant Breeding. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 66(01), 86.
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