Efficiency of double haploid production in wheat through wide hybridization and embryo rescue

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Hanif Khan
S. C. Bhardwaj
O. P. Gangwar
Pramod Prasad
Ruchi Rathore


The effect of haploid induction in wheat F1s by Zea mays, Imperata cylindrica and growth environments was investigated. Doubled Haploid (DH) plant production via maize and I. cylindrica technique from field grown LWH x VL616 F1 plants was equally efficient. In second environment, four F1 hybrids viz. LWH x VL616, HPW266 x Yr15 (CN25087), HS490 x HI1563 and Local Red x WHD938 were grown in greenhouse conditions and pollinated with maize. Efficiency of DH production was considerably high from greenhouse grown F1s as compared to field grown F1s. We also report an efficient protocol for DH production in bread wheat.

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How to Cite
Khan, H., Bhardwaj, S. C., Gangwar, O. P., Prasad, P., & Rathore, R. (2021). Efficiency of double haploid production in wheat through wide hybridization and embryo rescue. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 77(03), 428–430. https://doi.org/10.31742/ijgpb.v77i03.15
Research Article

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