Estimation of genetic parameters in different environments and their implications in sugarcane breeding

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Bakshi Ram


Knowledge of the genetic structure of breeding population and an understanding of the - relative importance of GE help in taking efficient and effective breeding programme decisions. Such knowledge includes accurate estimates of genetic variances and covariances of important traits. Estimating genetic variances under a limited range of environmental conditions may lead to biased genetic variance. Hence, this study was undertaken to determine genetic parameters on 30 clones of sugarcane grown under water stress, water logging, salinity and normal conditions as 2 plant and 1 ratoon crops. Experiments were conducted in randomized block designs with three replications. The plot size, in all experiments, was consisted of 2 rows of 4 m length spaced at 75 cm. Data on 8 traits of stalk yield and juice quality were recorded in 3 crops (12 experiments) following standard procedures. Data was analyzed following standard statistical procedures.

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How to Cite
Ram, B. (2005). Estimation of genetic parameters in different environments and their implications in sugarcane breeding. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(03), 219–220.
Research Article

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