In vitro studies in capsicum (Capsicum annum L.)

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V. P. Kale


In the present investigation the effect of different growth regulators on callus induction and plantlet proliferation was studied in capsicum (Capsicum annum L.). The seeds (Sungro Wonder) were first washed with a detergent teepol under running tap water, dipped in 70% ethanol for 45 seconds and surface sterilized with 0.05 % Hgcl2 for 5 minutes. Seeds were finally washed thoroughly with sterile distilled water 4-5 times and inoculated on MS medium [1] without any growth regulators. After one-month stem (0.5 cm long), petiole (0.5 cm long) and leaf (0.5 cm square) explants were taken for callus induction. while shoot tip and axillary node (0.5 cm long) explants for plantlet proliferation. The MS medium was supplemented with different levels of 2,4-0 and Kinetin for callus induction, while with Kinetin and BAP for plantlet proliferation. The cultures were kept in darkness for callus induction, while under light (1600 lux) for plantlet proliferation in the culture room with controlled temperature (25±2°C) and humidity (70 %). The number of days required from inoculation till the first callus appearance was recorded as days to callus initiation and fresh callus weight was recorded after 30 days. The number of days required from inoculation till the first shoot bud appearance was recorded as days to shoot regeneration. The plantlet height, percent regeneration and shoots produced per explant were recorded after 30 days.

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How to Cite
Kale, V. P. (2005). In vitro studies in capsicum (Capsicum annum L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 65(04), 329–330.
Research Article