Correlation and path analysis in Senna (Cassia senna)
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Senna (Cassia senna) is a small perennial under shrub, native of Yemon and Saudi Arabia. Amongst over-the-counter-drugs, "Senna" (leaves and pod powder) is a well known drug in the unani system of medicine. Report on genetic correlations and path analysis are scanty in this crop. Twenty-five genotypes used in this study were grown in a randomized block design with two replications. Each plot contained three rows of 5 m long with a 50 x 30 cm row to plant spacing. Five competitive plants were taken at random from each plot to record data on seven metric traits viz., number of days to flower, plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, leaf area (cm2), fresh leaf yield per plant (gJ, dry leaf yield per plant (g) and 100 seed weight (g).
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How to Cite
Singh, S. P., Dubey, T., & Tiwari, R. K. (2003). Correlation and path analysis in Senna (Cassia senna). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 63(04), 356.
Research Article

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