Use of inbred testers for evaluating combining ability in modified single cross hybrids of maize
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Modified single cross hybrids were derived and tested at two diverse locations. Line x Tester analysis was carried out to determine the combining ability of parents through their crosses. Over all combining ability studies across all the characters were studied namely days to 50 percent tasseling, days to 50 per cent silking, plant height and ear traits like kernel rows per ear, kernels per row and grain yield per plot. From the present study it is inferred that among the sister line crosses used as female parents, (A, x A'1)' (Al x A'l)' (As x A's)' (A,o x A'1O) and (A'l x A'1,) are the best general combiners. Among the exotic testers that were used CML290 was found to be the best combiner. The indigenous tester CM111 widely used in the Indian Maize programme also showed its potential as a good tester. Among the crosses [(A4 x A'4) x CML247j, [As x A's) x CML247j, [(As x A's) x CML254j and the crosses of [(Ag x A'g) x CML254j, [(A, x A',) x CML290j [(A1O x A'1O) x CML290j and [(A" x A'l') x CML290j showed high specific combining ability status.
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How to Cite
Venkatesh, S., Singh, N. N., & Gupta, N. P. (2001). Use of inbred testers for evaluating combining ability in modified single cross hybrids of maize. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(04), 309–313.
Research Article

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