Genotype x environment interaction in lowland rice genotypes of hill zone of Karnataka
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Forty promising long duration rice genotypes were evaluated across six farming situations of Hill Zone (Region V) of Karnataka during kharif 1998 to study G x E interaction and identity stable genotypes of high grain and straw yield for low land situation where tall genotypes with long duration are preferred. Randomized block design replicated thrice was used in all the six locations each of which represented a farming situation differing in elevation and rainfall. Net plot size was 2 m2 and spacing between rows and plants with in rows was 20 and 10 cm respectively. Cultural practices as per the recommended package were followed. Plant height was recorded on ten randomly selected plants in each replication and days to 50% flowering, grain yield and straw yield were recorded on whole plot basis. Bartletts test was employed to test the homogeneity of error variances of different environments. The stability parameters of different genotypes were computed as per Eberhart and Russel [1].
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How to Cite
Shadaksharit, Y. G., Chandrappa, H. M., Kulkarni, R. S., & Shashidhar, H. E. (2001). Genotype x environment interaction in lowland rice genotypes of hill zone of Karnataka. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(04), 350–352.
Research Article

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