Heterosis and combining ability for quality, yield and maturity traits in conventional and non-conventional hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.)
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Fifteen diverse early maturing white seeded inbred lines of maize viz., L1, L2, L3, L4, Ls, L6, L7, Ls' Lg, LlO, L11 , L12, L13, L14 and L1S were crossed with three testers Tl' T2 and T3 in a line x tester mating design during rabi 1994-95 to generate 45 hybrids (30 conventional and 15 non-conventional hybrids). These 45 hybrids and 18 parental lines with four standard checks viz., Arun, Kiran, Mahi Kanchan and 0-107 were grown in Randomized Block Design with three replications, in a single row plot of 5 meters length having 60 cm x 25 cm crop geometry, in four environments during Kharif 1995. The data were recorded on quality, grain yield and maturity traits on ten randomly selected competitive plants. Total oil content of dry seeds was determined by Soxhlet method [1]. Starch content was estimated by the Anthrone reagent method. Pooled economic heterosis over environments was calculated as per standard procedure and combining ability analysis was carried out as per procedure given by Kempthorne [2].
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How to Cite
Dubey, R. B., Joshi, V. N., & Pandiya, N. K. (2001). Heterosis and combining ability for quality, yield and maturity traits in conventional and non-conventional hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(04), 353–355. https://doi.org/.
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