Genetic evaluation of interspecific derivatives of wheat
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A set of 46 homozygous durum derivatives (Triticum durum Desf.) along with three standard cultivars were grown under irrigated and high fertility conditions using 7 x 7 quadruple lattice design. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate these homozygous durum derivatives which were evolved through interspecific hybridization using back-cross breeding programme for yield and quality traits. The significant differences were observed among the genotypes for all the traits under study. Mean values of the derivatives for each character were higher than the checks. Comparison of variability generated through different donor species revealed maximum variation for grain yield/plot (7.42, 10.31 %), number of productive tillers/m2 (7.89, 7.07%), weight of main spike (7.98, 12.29%) and sedimentation value (10.76, 8.46%). The pattern of variability observed in these derivatives indicated that variability was distinct for each group for specific traits only. This indicated that the genl~s from different donor species helped in creating additional variability in durum wheat. T. turgidum x T. durum derivatives showed improvement for protein content, grain yield and spike length while in T. timopheevi x T. durum derivatives for early maturity and sedimentation values. T. aestivum x T. durum derivatives had exhibited short stature of plant, early flowering, increased number of spikelets/spike and number of grains/spike.
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How to Cite
Palve, S. M., & Raghavaiah, P. (2002). Genetic evaluation of interspecific derivatives of wheat. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 62(02), 107–112.
Research Article

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