Genetic analysis of some root and shoot characters in rice under rainfed upland situation

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U. C. Kalita
L. P. Upadhaya


Genetic analysis of root and two shoot characters under rainfed upland situation indicated that maximum root length in two crosses (Nilajee/Annada and Hasakumral Annada), tillers per plant in Nilajee/Annada and root weight per plant in HasakumralAnnada were under the control of additive gene action. Root thickness, root volume, roots per plant In both the crosses and plant height in Nilajee/Annada were under the control of nonadditive gene action. Both additive and nonadditive gene actions were involved in the expression of root branching, root·to-shoot ratio and proportion of thick roots per plant in both the crosses; for root weight per plant in Nijajee/Annada and for tillers per plant and plant height in HasakumralAnnada.

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How to Cite
Kalita, U. C., & Upadhaya, L. P. (2001). Genetic analysis of some root and shoot characters in rice under rainfed upland situation. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(02), 107–111.
Research Article