Generation means analysis for grain yield and its components in maize (Zea mays L.)

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R. N. Mahto
D. K. Ganguli


Generation means analysis of three crosses, CML56 x CML49, CML85 x CML42 and CML39 x CML14 involving six inbred lines of maize was carried out in respect of grain yield and its component characters. Six generation viz; P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1, and BC2 of each of three crosses were separately grown in compact family block design with three replications during kharif 1997 in the farm of Birsa Agricultural University, RanchL The net plot size was of 5m. length of two rows each for P1, P2, F1, BC1, and BC2 and of four rows for F2 generation. The recommended inter row spacing of 70 cm. and intra row spacing of 25 cm. was maintained. Observation on grain yield (g/plant), days to tasseling, days to maturity, plant height, ear length, ear girth, kernel rows/ear, kernels/row, kernels/ear and 100-grain weight were recorded randomly on ten plants from both the parental generation (P1 and P2) and F(s, 20 plants from back cross generations (BC1 and BC2) and on 50 plants from F2 generation from each plot. The scaling tests A, Band C [1] and joint scaling test [2] were computed for all the ten characters in three crosses to test the adequacy of the additive dominance model. The gene effects and interactions for each characters were estimated after Hayman [3].

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How to Cite
Mahto, R. N., & Ganguli, D. K. (2001). Generation means analysis for grain yield and its components in maize (Zea mays L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(02), 165–166.
Research Article