Pollen production in Pinus roxburghii Sargent

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V. P. Khanduri
C. M. Sharma
D. P. Uniyal


Pinus roxburghii, an anemophilous tree is characterised by high pollen production, as the vector of pollination it employ is extremely 'haphazard and not specific. Although a tree's total production of pollen grains is influenced by various factors [1], which also varies from one year to the next [2], it is most important to have an estimate of the total production of pollen per tree, not only from an aerobiological but also from a breeding stand point, as the production of seeds often depends on the production of pollen [3, 4]. Therefore, Holm [5] has demonstrated that, by adding a supplementary amount of pollen to Betula sp. an increase in the quantity of seed produced can be obtained.

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How to Cite
Khanduri, V. P., Sharma, C. M., & Uniyal, D. P. (2001). Pollen production in Pinus roxburghii Sargent. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(02), 190–193. https://doi.org/.
Research Article