Girnar 1 elM - A new chemically induced curly leaf groundnut mutant

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R. K. Mathur
P. Manivel
M. Y. Samdur
P. Paria


A thorough knowledge on inheritance pattern of different characters is of utmost importance for plant breeders in formulation of sound and effective breeding programme, construction of linkage maps and to facilitate marker-assisted- selections. Though groundnut is an important oilseed crop, the genetic studies in this crop are meagre [1]. In view of this, a study was undertaken to understand inheritance pattern of curly leaf character of chemically induced mutant of groundnut.

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How to Cite
Mathur, R. K., Manivel, P., Samdur, M. Y., & Paria, P. (2001). Girnar 1 elM - A new chemically induced curly leaf groundnut mutant. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(02), 196.
Research Article

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