Effect of RID substitutions and/or modified rye chromosomes on kernel characters in triticales
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The effect of rye chromosome substitution and modification were studied on various kernel characters in sixty six hexaploid triticales. Triticales with a 2R12D substitution and/or a modified rye chromosome(s} exhibited 'medium' to 'very low' degree of kernel shrivelling as observed through increased grain weight and volume of water displaced by 100-grains. Triticales with a 2R12D substitution coupled with a modified rye chromosomes like 4R, 6R or 7R, the seed shrivelling is very low. 2R/2D substitution and modification in the rye chromosomes also had a favourable effect on seed setting. Triticales with full complement of rye chromosomes showed 'medium' to 'high' kernel shrivelling and low seed set.
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How to Cite
Reddy, V. R. K., & Viswanathan, P. (2001). Effect of RID substitutions and/or modified rye chromosomes on kernel characters in triticales. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(01), 19–22. https://doi.org/.
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