Combining ability studies for some morphophysiological and biochemical traits related to drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.)
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The material from a 7 x 7 half diallel cross involving relatively drought tolerant inbreds of maize was raised under rainfed condition. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for gca and sca effects for ten characters studied. Among the parents, Ib 1073, Ib1143 and Ib 1155 were found to have negative gca effect for days to 50 per cent tasseling, day to 50 per cent silking and anthesis-silking interval. On the other hand, for plant height, ear height and grain yield per plot, they had positive gca effects. The crosses viz., 18 1073 x Ib 1143 and Ib 1073 x Ibl155 were found to have negative sca effects for days to 50 per cent tasseling, days to 50 per cent silking and anthesis-silking interval. These crosses also exhibited positive sca for plant height, ear height, number of leaves per plant and grain yield per plot.
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How to Cite
Desai, S. A., & Singh, R. D. (2001). Combining ability studies for some morphophysiological and biochemical traits related to drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(01), 34–36.
Research Article

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