AMMI analysis for stability of grain yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides L.) hybrids

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G. C. Shinde
M. T. Bhingarde
M. N. Khairnar
S. S. Mehetre


Nine pearl millet (Penn/setum typha/des L.) genotypes (eight hybrids and one variety) were tested over fourteen environments (years/locations) in different zones of Maharashtra. Grain yield data were subjected to the Additive main-effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analyses. Results indicated a significant genotype x environment interaction (GEl) that influenced the relative ranking of the hybrids across the environments. It was evident from AMMI analysis that genotype, environment and the first principal component of interaction effect accounted for 95.20% of treatment sum of squares and the first three principal components of interaction effect were found significant. As per the AMMI model, four genotypes (RHRBH-9802, RHRHH-8609, RHRBH-9807 and RHRBH-9808) were identified as having general adaptability. Further, two environments i.e. 1998/Rahuri-1I and 2000/Rahuri-1I were found ideal for stable performance of the hybrids.

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How to Cite
Shinde, G. C., Bhingarde, M. T., Khairnar, M. N., & Mehetre, S. S. (2002). AMMI analysis for stability of grain yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides L.) hybrids. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 62(03), 215–217.
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