Confirmation of some SCAR molecular markers linked to Rhizomania resistance gene (Rz1) in sugar beet
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For the involvement of Rhizomania resistance genes in breeding programs, tagging these genes by molecular markers is necessary. In this study, some breeding populations and commercial varieties of sugar beet originated from Holly source were used for the validation of three repulsion SCAR molecular markers correlated with ELISA and field resistance. Comparison between ELISA and field resistance and molecular markers showed that repulsion marker ZN5 had 96% and 98% agreement with ELISA and field resistance, respectively with 95% and 100% presence in susceptible and resistant varieties, respectively. Therefore, this marker can be used for screening of homozygous lines resistant to rhizomania originated from Rz1 gene source.
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How to Cite
Norouzi, P., Mahmoudi, S. B., Darabi, S., & Kakueinezhad, M. (2017). Confirmation of some SCAR molecular markers linked to Rhizomania resistance gene (Rz1) in sugar beet. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 77(02), 312–315.
Research Article

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