In vitro screening for regeneration in cotton (Gossypium ssp.)

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M. V. Suresh Kumar
I. S. Katageri
H. M. Vamadevaiah
B. M. Khadi
P. M. Salimath


Twelve cotton genotypes representing different species and adapted to different agroclimatic conditions have been screened for in vitro regeneration. Diploid species G. herbaceum and G. arboreum gave higher response for in vitro dedifferentiation than tetraploids, G. hirsutum (4X) and G. barbadance (4X). Hypocotyl explant showed higher response than cotyledons for callus induction. Rooting was observed in media containing auxins to cytokinins in a 20:1 ratio in most genotypes. This study finally emphasized the screening large number of genotypes for regeneration and to study genetics of regeneration using Coker 312, the only regenerable genotype.

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How to Cite
Suresh Kumar, M. V., Katageri, I. S., Vamadevaiah, H. M., Khadi, B. M., & Salimath, P. M. (2001). In vitro screening for regeneration in cotton (Gossypium ssp.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 63(01), 54–58.
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