Exploration of wild grass Imperata cylindrica for development of doubled haploids in winter x spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids accompanied with combining ability and hybrid potential estimation
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Two spring and three winter wheat genotypes were crossed in Line x Tester manner forming six F1’s and three spring and one winter wheat genotypes were also crossed forming two three way F1’s. Combining ability studies indicated sufficient genetic variability in the breeding material. Among lines, HS542 showed good general combining ability for seed yield/plant and among testers KLE/BER/2*FL-8/ DONSK-POLL was good combiner for 1000 seed weight. The cross HS542/Zander33 and HD2997/KLE/BER/2*FL-8/ DONSK-POLL showed significant specific combining ability effects for 1000 grain weight. Intergeneric hybridization lead to the haploid embryo development from the crosses: HS542/China 84-40022, HS542/ KLE/BER/2*FL-8/DONSKPOLL, HS526/ID 80994W/VEE/3/CHEN/3AL X FLW13 and HD2997/ KLE/BER/2*FL-8/DONSK-POLL. These crosses also showed maximum values of heterosis for 1000 seed weight or spikelet per spike or seed yield/plant.
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How to Cite
Patial, M., Pal, D., Chaudhary, H. K., Kumar, J., & Prabhu, K. V. (2017). Exploration of wild grass Imperata cylindrica for development of doubled haploids in winter x spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids accompanied with combining ability and hybrid potential estimation. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 77(02), 316–320. https://doi.org/10.5958/0975-6906.2017.00043.8
Research Article

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