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MetrogIypb analysis of 78 geootypes sugarcane, viz., 3 SacclJamm oIffdBarum, 22 SaccIJamm barberi and Saccharum sineDse,·8 exotic, and 45 Indian commercial hybrids, were evaluated for seven characters. Sixty seven genotypes formed nine complexes and 11 genOtypes did not fall in any complex. Almost all SaccIJamm barbteri and SacclJamm shJeDse genotypes fall in complexes I, II and III near the point of origin while the genotypes of SacduIrum oIficiIJamm fall far away from the point of origin due to high brill. The Indian and emtie commercial
hybrids formed the compad mixed complexes and their ray patterns for different morpbological characters resembled each other. On the basis of index score valne and ray patterns of different morpboIogicaI characters fohwing genotypes of different complexes may be udIbred for heterosis breeding programme: Co 7220, Co 6612 (VI), Co 8018, Co 6429 and Co 62146 (VII), Co 6402 (IX); and for brix purpose: Co 951, Uba White and Mangeri Red. The genetic diversity is more Important than geographical diversity.
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