Karyomorphological studies in three species of Smilax L. found in Assam

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Florina Brahma
Bandana Nabis Das


The present cytological investigation was carried out on the karyomorphology of three species, Smilax zeylanica L., S. ovalifolia Roxb. ex D. Don and S. arisanensis Hayata. The results showed that the somatic number of S. zeylanica is 2n = 30 and the somatic number of other two species, S. ovalifolia were 2n = 32 and S. arisanensis 2n = 36, respectively. It is reported for the first time. The information on karyophology may be very useful for the genetic improvement of Smilax.

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Brahma, F. ., & Das, B. N. . (2024). Karyomorphological studies in three species of Smilax L. found in Assam. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 84(01), 134–137. https://doi.org/10.31742/ISGPB.84.1.16
Research Article


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