Validation of molecular markers for the identification of resistant sources against white rust disease of rapeseed mustard caused by Albugo candida

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Pooja Upadhyay
A. K. Tewari
Usha Pant
Nitesh Singh
Prashant Vikram
H. Rajashekara


White rust or white blister disease caused by oomycete fungi, [Albugo candida (Persoon) Roussal] is one of the major devastating fungal diseases of rapeseed (Brassica napus) mustard. The continuous emergence of new pathogenic races is responsible for the breaking down of the resistance in already existing resistant cultivars. So, for finding new resistant sources against the pathogen, molecular markers have become new tools. In the present study, validation of 29 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was done to know the presence or absence of resistance (R) genes against selected Brassica genotypes using PCR analysis. Marker trait association analysis and multiple regression analysis indicated a significant association of six markers, namely, At5g41560, Ni2BO3, BrgMS329, MB5, BRMS-017 and NI-F02a with the immune, highly resistant and moderately resistant Brassica cultivars. These molecular markers may be utilized for the identification of resistant genotypes against A. candida pathogens in rapeseed mustard.

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How to Cite
Upadhyay, P., Tewari, A. K. ., Pant , U. ., Singh, N., Vikram, P., & Rajashekara, H. (2024). Validation of molecular markers for the identification of resistant sources against white rust disease of rapeseed mustard caused by Albugo candida. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 84(04), 686–696.
Research Article


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