Dissection of genotype x environment interaction and yield stability analysis in greengram (Vigna radiata L.) using AMMI and GGE biplot

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A. Sheeba
P. Yogameenakshi


Nineteen green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] genotypes were evaluated for yield stability under field conditions over three seasons. The AMMI analysis revealed that genotype TM 11007 (G3) had wider adaptation for grain yield, performing well across a wide range of environments. The genotypes TM 11038 (G14) in E1 and G3 in E2 and E3 were found to be highly stable and gave the highest yield in their respective mega-environments, while TM 11034 (G11) and TM 11042 (G17) located in the vertex performed better in all the three environments. E2 was the most discriminating test environment for selecting widely adapted genotypes for yield per se, while E3 was the most representative testing environment to provide unbiased information about the performance of genotypes. Based on the average versus stability graph, the genotype TM 11042 stands out because of simultaneous high yields and high stability.

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How to Cite
Sheeba, A. ., & Yogameenakshi, P. . (2024). Dissection of genotype x environment interaction and yield stability analysis in greengram (Vigna radiata L.) using AMMI and GGE biplot. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 84(02), 304–307. https://doi.org/10.31742/ISGPB.84.2.21
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