An efficient in vitro regeneration protocol to generate stable transgenic lines of black gram (Vigna mungo L.)

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Trishna Konwar
Borsha Borah
Arun Kumar Handique
Sumita Acharjee
Bidyut Kumar Sarmah


An efficient and quick in vitro regeneration protocol was developed for black gram (Vigna mungo L.) using wounded embryonic axis with cotyledon as explant. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4.44 μM BAP and 2.32 μM Kinetin was found to be effective in producing maximum number (mean 7.80) of multiple shoots. The individual shoots elongated to 4.5 cm when MS medium was supplemented with 2.89 μM GA3 along with 0.44 μM BAP and 0.46 μM KIN. A novel in vitro rooting technique was also optimized for black gram using half-strength liquid MS medium supplemented with 1.34 μM NAA. The shoots in this medium produced the highest number (mean 7.50) of roots with root length of 6.02 cm. The plantlets were transferred to soil mixture and placed in greenhouse where more than 80% successfully grew to maturity. The same protocol was successfully used to generate transgenic black gram lines carrying Bt-Cry2Aa gene through Agrobacteriummediated transformation with a transformation efficiency of 0.42%. The rooted T0 plants grew to maturity and produced T1 seeds with the presence and expression of transgene in T1 plants. Thus, we have standardized an in vitro regeneration protocol suitable for generation of stable transgenic black gram plants.

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How to Cite
Konwar, T., Borah, B., Handique, A. K., Acharjee, S., & Sarmah, B. K. (2018). An efficient in vitro regeneration protocol to generate stable transgenic lines of black gram (Vigna mungo L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 78(03), 324–332.
Research Article