Frequent occurrence of high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMWGS) combinations in high yielding popular Indian bread wheat and their impact on end-usages

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D. Mohan
R. K. Gupta


Grain quality data of 546 high yielding bread wheat entries evaluated in different zones of India during the period 2005- 16 was examined to identify the frequently occurring HMWGS combinations and the ones suited for the endusages. Although 24 HMWGS combinations occurred in the studied material, only six had frequency of more than 5%, namely, 5+10, 2*, 17+18; 2+12, 2*, 17+18; 5+10, 2*, 7+9; 2+12, 2*, 7+9; 5+10, 1, 7+9 and 2+12, 2*, 7+8. Out of these, only two viz., 5+10, 2*, 17+18 and 2+12, 2*, 17+18 had distinction of making good quality bread as well as chapati. Another combination, 2+12, 2*, 7+9 suited well for bread making but it lacked in chapatti quality. Impact of HMWGS combinations could be seen on biscuit quality also as spread factor in 2+12, 2*, 7+8 was significantly higher than all other combinations. Gluten strength and gluten quality was best observed in 5+10, 2*, 17+18 combination. Besides gluten properties and end-products quality, differences were also observed in the inter-product relationship. In the combinations best suited for bread and chapatti i.e., 5+10/ 2+12, 2*, 17+18; quality of bread and chapati remained unrelated. The well-known inverse relationship between biscuit and bread/chapati could only be observed in 5+10, 2*, 17+18 combination. Negative association between biscuit and bread/chapatti was also observed in the best biscuit suited combination i.e. 2+12, 2* 7+8. Study underlined that spread of HMWGS is not uniform under Indian conditions and only few combinations are needed to facilitate value addition in the country.

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How to Cite
Mohan, D., & Gupta, R. K. (2018). Frequent occurrence of high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMWGS) combinations in high yielding popular Indian bread wheat and their impact on end-usages. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 78(01), 138–141. Retrieved from
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