Inheritance of MYMIV tolerance in two RIL populations of greengram on lower Gangetic alluvial zone during summer and their parental molecular diversity

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Nidhi Singh
Joyashree Mallick1
Sumit Murmu
Diana Sagolsem
Sutanu Sarkar
Nirmal Mandal
Somnath Bhattacharyya


Inheritance of MYMIV tolerance was determined in two sets of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of mungbean.The two sets comprising 143 and 79 RILs each derived from the cross between PM5 x Sub2 and B1 X Sub2, respectively were considered for the study. Sub2 was a Sublobata derived lines whereas, B1 was a popular small seeded cultivar of west Bengal, susceptible against MYMIV. It was observed that one or two major genes with a few modifiers played a significant role in resistance mechanism against MYMIV in the lower Gangetic alluvial zone. Resistance alleles for Sub2 and PM5 are probably allelic as observed from frequency distribution pattern. A set of 177 SSRs were employed for identification of polymorphism between parents. Only 37 SSRs showed polymorphism between Sublobata and B1 or PM5. But only eight SSRs were polymorphic between two high yielding cultivars. Markers linked with MYMIV tolerance like RGA, SCAR and others from earlier studies were also considered and found that only one RGA derived marker showed polymorphism between resistance and susceptible parents.

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How to Cite
Singh, N., Mallick1, J., Murmu, S., Sagolsem, D., Sarkar, S., Mandal, N., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2014). Inheritance of MYMIV tolerance in two RIL populations of greengram on lower Gangetic alluvial zone during summer and their parental molecular diversity. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 74(Suppl.), 584–588.
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