Evaluation of medium duration pigeonpea hybrid under rainfed situation

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Niraj Kumar
C. S. Mahto
Manoj Kumar Barnwal
H. C. Lal


Field trials of 12 genotypes including nine hybrids and three checks, Maruti, Asha and Birsa Arhar-1 were conducted under rainfed conditions. Analysis of variance for all the ten characters for each environment and on pooled basis indicated highly significant variation over the seasons, except pod size which was significant at 5% level only. Highest pooled grain yield of 2259.5 kg/ha was recorded in Hybrid ICPH 2740, which was at par with ICPH 3933 (2131.8) and ICPH 2671 (2101.5 kg/ha) as compared to the best check, Birsa Arhar-1 (1689 kg/ha). ICPH 2740, ICPH 3933 and ICPH 2671 showed resistant reaction to wilt and sterility mosaic disease of pigeonpea. Hybrids ICPH 2740 and ICPH 2671 were identified as stable in respect of yield as well as infestation of disease and insect pest.

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How to Cite
Kumar, N., Mahto, C. S., Barnwal, M. K., & Lal, H. C. (2014). Evaluation of medium duration pigeonpea hybrid under rainfed situation. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 74(Suppl.), 678–681. https://doi.org/10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00910.9
Research Article