Studies on the factors affecting pod shattering in soybean

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Nilmani Bara
Dhirendra Khare
A. N. Shrivastava


Considerable genetic variability exists among the genotypes of soybean for pod shattering and the traits associated with it. Soybean cultivated in India has a critical shattering period and should be harvested within 10 days after harvestable maturity. Shattering percentage ranged from 0.6730 (JSM 170) to 67.05 (JSM 131) with mean of 19.11 percent. Shattering tolerant genotypes JS 335, JSM 170, MAUS 61-2 could be used as donor of shattering resistance in breeding programmes to minimize yield losses. As per association and path coefficient analyses, genotype with small pod, less width and low volume/weight of seed is tolerant to pod shattering. The age of plant, high temperature at the time of maturity influences bad shattering.

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How to Cite
Bara, N., Khare, D., & Shrivastava, A. N. (2013). Studies on the factors affecting pod shattering in soybean. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 73(03), 270–277.
Research Article