Cytosterile diversification and downy mildew resistance in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br]

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M. Sumanth
P. Sumathi
N. Kumari Vinodhana
M. Sathya


An investigation with line × tester mating design was carried out in pearl millet with five male sterile lines ICMA 91666, ICMA 92333, ICMA 92777, ICMA 93111 with A1 cytoplasm and ICMA 99666 carrying A4 cytoplasm and 11 improved promising inbreds viz., PT 5591, PT 6010, PT 6017, PT 6037, PT 6063, PT 6064, PT 6065, PT 6243, PT 6251, PT 6252, PT 6254 to study the gene action, fertility restoration and to identify the best cross combinations for high yield and its component traits and downy mildew resistance. Variance due to SCA was higher than those due to GCA variance for all the characters indicating the significance of non-additive gene action in their inheritance. Based on the per se performance and gca, the lines ICMA 91666 and ICMA 92333 and the testers PT 6065, PT 6063 and PT 6243 were adjudged as best general combiners for grain yield and its component traits, while the hybrids, namely, ICMA 92333 x PT 6063 ICMA 92333 x PT 6254 and ICMA 99666 x PT 6065 were identified as best heterotic hybrids. A1 cytoplasm expressed good restoration with most of the pollinators as compared to A4 cytoplasm.The two male sterile lines ICMA 92777 and ICMA 99666 contributed genes for downy mildew resistance in hybrids. Hybrids, ICMA 92333 x PT 6063 and ICMA 99666 x PT 6065 exhibited high yield, good fertility restoration percentage and downy mildew resistance.

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How to Cite
Sumanth, M., Sumathi, P., Vinodhana, N. K., & Sathya, M. (2013). Cytosterile diversification and downy mildew resistance in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br]. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 73(03), 325–327.
Research Article